The Power of Prioritizing 

Are you living your best life? 

If the answer is no, ask yourself:

  • Why are you stuck? 
  • What are the roadblocks? 
  • Where are you falling short? 
  • Who is really in control – is it you or external factors?

Chances are the answer you seek lies in the state of your focus, not the labor of your fight! There could be few reasons why you haven’t made the changes you desire to live your best life, some of them include:

Change Avoidance – One of the primary reasons you may be resisting significant changes in your life is the perceived discomfort that comes with bringing significant change. In other words, the comfort of staying orthodox outweighs the motivation to take progressive action.

Focusing on the short term – Your days are spent on short-term legislating via emails, deadlines, and habitual distractions, instead of focusing on meaningful, long-term growth. In other words the urgent triumphing over important 

Lack of Clarity – Without clarity of vision, there is a tendency to drift through life responding to what’s in front of you rather than intentionally building the life you want.

Procrastination – You frequently opt for rewards from short-term utility, like engaging social media, by pushing aside the hard work needed to lead you toward meaningful progress.

Overcommitment Drain – Saying “yes” to everything robs you of time and energy for the things that truly matter.

Fear of Success – Contrary to convention, most people fear success, not failure. These fears stem from big goals becoming so intimidating that you cannot even fathom the success that can be achieved by accomplishing them. Thus, you end up sticking to familiar routines—even if they’re unfulfilling.

However, what if you could master the art of doing First Things First?

What is ‘First Things First’?

As Dr. Stephen Covey puts it, “Putting first things first means organizing and executing around your most important priorities. It is living and being driven by the principles you value most, not by the agendas and forces surrounding you.”

The ‘First Things First’ proposition seamlessly attaches itself to 3 key sub-elements of the SPARK credo. Mainly, by focusing and aligning priorities with your Ultimate Purpose Credo (UPC), your Service Mantra and your Affirmation Attraction

For example, if your UPC is to empower others, your daily priorities are bound to include actions like mentoring, creating impactful work, and volunteering for causes that resonate with your purpose.

Aligned Accomplishment Approach

When your actions align with your Ultimate Purpose Credo, Service  Mantra, and Affirmation Attraction, every step you take will be intentional and impactful. You may not accomplish everything on your to-do list, but what you do accomplish will bring you closer to your preeminent vision for how you want your life to look, feel, and act.

This aligned approach transforms the way you live, love and serve enabling you to focus on functioning on achieving long-term outcomes, managing overwhelming periods, and sparking growth in all areas of life. 

If you’re already clear on your UPC, but still struggle to take action, there may be hidden barriers holding you back. These barriers could include those mentioned above, like procrastination and fear of success. 

Recognizing and addressing these obstacles is key to moving forward with clarity and confidence. 

Here are some quick tips and techniques to tackle them head-on:

Tip #1 – Flip the Script

Too comfortable with the status-quo? The current state is not as comfortable as you think! Just close your eyes and…

Imagine the Opposite – Picture your future-self in a life where your biggest dreams have been achieved. Research reveals that your brain cannot distinguish between real and imagined scenarios, and by vividly visualizing the joy of living a fulfilled life can create a strong emotional response that drives action of first-priorities.

Use Discomfort to Propel Change – Imagine the struggles and dissatisfaction you might face if you remain stuck where you are today. This discomfort doesn’t have to be lived to be effective—it can be imagined. Associating pain with inaction can create a powerful incentive to start making bold, life-changing decisions by putting important tasks at the top of your to-do list.

Balance Vision with Reality While crafting a compelling vision of your dream life, confront the alternative reality. Acknowledge both the rewards of any success, as well as the consequences of inaction. Let these dual forces inspire and motivate you to take the first steps toward building the life you truly want.

This approach ensures you’re not just chasing dreams, but consciously avoiding the pain of missed opportunities, and actively creating powerful momentum toward your dream goals.

Tip #2 – Effectiveness, not just Efficiency 

Instead of working with a mindset of efficiency and urgency, try focusing on importance and meaning instead. 

For example, 

  • Your Personal growth tasks might include signing up for learning a skill you deem important, exercising and meditating daily.
  • Relationship-building by spending quality time with loved ones.
  • Long-term planning by following a saving plan, goal-setting.

Tip #3 – Balanced Power

Here’s an easy exercise to infuse into your life by dedicating an hour daily to personal growth with some time for exercise to build vitality + some time for meditation for mental clarity + some time for uplifting reading to nurture your soul.

Tip #4 – Create Intentional Time 

Block out time for the things that matter—whether it’s bonding with family, working on your business, or reflecting on your progress.

Tip #5 – Circle of Like-Minded Inspiration

Dedicate and spend time with people who inspire and challenge you to grow, but also share your motivations and drive. Their energy and mindset will help you stay aligned with your dream vision.

Final Takeaway

Living your dream life starts with intentionality. Focus first on what truly matters. Align your actions with your values, and commit to doing those “First Things First”. By prioritizing essential activities you’ll ignite the spark that launches you to a life you’ve always dreamed of.
Ready to take the first step? Start today! Begin by defining your purpose and crafting your vision. Then, for more guidance and support why not join our Ignite Your Spark masterclass next one starting Feb 2025 designed to help you master the art of living intentionally. Click the link to get your dream life going now!

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2 Responses

  1. Wonderful & concise article. I appreciate the tips & techniques. If people could just prioritize, act on it & trust the process, there lives could be truly transformed.

    1. Hi Zahra, Thank you for your feedback. I agree that working on just a few but consistent changes in our daily lifestyle and approach to work can yield significant results. Do share this with others who might benefit. Wishing you continued growth and success!

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