The Corporate Sufi Way

One of the biggest challenges we face in our journey is how to overcome the self or ego

According to the Corporate Sufi way selflessness is power, selfishness is powerless. However, most people don’t see it this way. Even those who say they see it this way do not behave in alignment with this message.

Self glorification appears powerful and feeds the ego. However, this is an illusion; a fleeting feeling which does not last. It keeps needing more and more to find peace. In the end, the more you have, the less it appears to be and the more you want to obtain.  All the while, peace has been dwelling inside you. As James Allen beautifully said: “In deep silence dwells the Eternal”.

The key is the balance or the “Corporate Sufi” approach. Unleash your potential (the Corporate) so you can make a difference to one and all (the Sufi).

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