Choose Wisely

“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.” ~ George Eliot

If you find things around you are not optimum, you have two choices. You can either complain or blame your circumstances or people in your life – your spouse, child, boss, colleague, competitor. The other wiser choice is to take charge and full responsibility of the situation.

The wiser choice would lead you to ask how you can alter the circumstances of you situation. For example if your room is messy what are two or three small things you can do to organize your room right now? Can you put away the suitcase that is lying on the floor? Can you give away some unwanted clothing to a charity? Can you decide to organize the space you have to bring clarity and simplicity in your life?

By making the choice of taking full responsibility, you empower yourself to create positive change!

As you choose, so you create! Choose wisely.

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