The Corporate Sufi Way of life

The Corporate Sufi way of life can be encapsulated under three key pillars; Business, Balance & Beyond.

1. Business: Pour yourself completely and wholly in each moment and in all you do. Simply put, be present to every moment. If you are working on presentation, then just do that. Don’t think about your coffee meeting scheduled later. If you are spending time with your children, then pay full attention to them. Bringing totality to all we do, simplifies life.

2. Balance: Remember life is rich buffet of experiences. Focusing on just one course will lead to monotony and indigestion. Ensure you take partake a good mix of all that life has to offer, be it work, family, your interests. Only then can you create a memorable and meaningful existence.

3. Beyond – Never lose sight of the big picture. Each one of us is born with a purpose singular and special to our existence. So take time to discover it. It might be the most important thing you ever do in your life. Don’t just follow others blindly. His path may not be your path. And once you discover that purpose, don’t lose sight of it. Take some quiet time everyday to reacquaint yourself with all that is essential and driven around that central purpose. If an activity does not support your higher purpose, let it go. This way a lot of inessential in your life will simply drop away and you will be able to come in contact with your true essence.


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