Finding kairos

Life is all about moments. Ancient Greece defined time in two ways, ‘chronos’ and ‘kairos’. While ‘chrono’ refers to chronological time, ‘kairos’ means the ‘right moment’, a moment of truth per se, in which everything happens. 

We all agree that life is made up of moments that surprise us, take our breath away, infuse meaning into our lives, teach us something. 

But somehow we assume that such moments are few and far apart and moreover we will be lucky to experience them, if at all, on a daily basis. 

What if I told you, you can have this moment whenever you want it! 

Yes, you are surrounded by Kairos. Of course in our lives, we address it by a different name. We call it the ‘present moment’. 

Come to think, you don’t even have to look for it. You are living it, right this very moment. In fact the entire cosmos is contained in the present moment, in the now.

The past is no more and the future is not there yet. There is nothing else, except the present moment. 

But we seldom pay importance to the present moment. We acknowledge its presence only when we see it as a result of our past or as a means to the future. 

But the present moment is where all the meaning lies, where all future possibility rests. To deny this moment is to deny life itself.

There is an ancient Sufi saying “Grasp the moment; you can’t power a mill with water that has already passed by.” It essentially means if you can grasp the present moment, you can grasp eternity itself.

So live this moment intensely, passionately, fully, for it will meet you, but once. Make it the primary focus of your life. Plunge headlong into it. 

 Agreed, it might not always be pleasant but it’s the only thing, there is. Everything else is either your memory or your imagination.

Once you live this moment to the best of your ability, you will see that the rest of your life starts falling in place as well. Because after all, your future too is born out of your present moment. 

Johnny Carson once said, “Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready.”

Hence the important question is, ‘Are your ready for the present moment?’. 









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