Reading Choices

Medicine for the soul.” ~Inscription over the door of the Library at Thebes

If you want to look for inspirational stories, you will find them. All you have to do is go to a book store or library.

 Yesterday, I was going through “The Pursuit of Happyness” by Chris Gardner. Even though I had seen the movie, reading the book gave me goose bumps! It is transformational stories like these that create hope. I felt energetic after reading part of this book.

What you read influences your behavior and attitude. I read inspiring literature to lift my spirit to do good things in the world. If I happen to read disturbing stories then I ask myself “what can I do to prevent this from happening”?

What are some of your favourite books?

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2 Responses

  1. Those are all really great books!

    Also try "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino and if you haven't already "The Power of Giving" by myself and Harvey McKinnon.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Think and Grow Rich
    -its an old book so the title is a bit decieving. It focuses more on positive thinking and self improvement.

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    -i believe thats a well known favourite

    When you hear hoofbeats, think of a zebra
    -all time favourite

    I am really wanting to read Awaken the Giant Within?(not sure of title by Tony Robbins)

    If there are any reccomendations, they would really be appreciated.

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