Harmony Precedes Productivity

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” ~Henry Ford

Last Saturday was the first in a while that was not pre booked. It ended up being an eventful day. Most of my day was spent with my wife Farzana. Few hours were spent running errands and few hours organizing, cleaning, planning the renovations of the house, and chauffeuring the kids. Despite periods which appeared to be a total waste of time, it ended up to be a reasonably productive day. I realized that when I am positive and patient, Farzana and I get a lot more done. When I get irritated and feel we are wasting time, we don’t get as much done and my wife feels undervalued and unappreciated.

When you are with your family, sometimes it is good to slow down and create a positive communication flow. Harmony precedes productivity. This is also true in work situations. When people are not feeling valued, their participation and commitment is not optimal.

How about you? Do you have harmonious and positive relationship with your spouse or partner and with your co workers? How do you create harmony with the people you value and appreciate?

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