Namaste is one of the root elements within the Service ethic of the SPARK philosophy. This principle encourages the removal of ego and self-pride by espousing the belief that “the divine in me bows to the divine in you”. Meaning, that when you serve, do so with understanding, connection, and respect for the recipient of that service.
Originating from the Sanskrit words “namah” (bow) and “te” (to you), Namaste translates to “I bow to you.” But it’s not merely a physical gesture; it’s a spiritual acknowledgement of the divine light within each individual. By saying Namaste, you honour the other person’s soul journey through life.
Namaste is an invitation to slow down; genuinely connect with all that is present, and recognize the shared humanity that binds us all. It’s about seeing beyond the surface by acknowledging a person’s inherent worth and fostering a sense of unity through generosity and goodwill.
Such a profound approach can substantively transform life interactions, including family, colleagues, business associates, social circles, and charity work.
Day-to-Day Namaste
The practice of Namaste is often associated with spirituality, however, its essence can be seamlessly integrated into day-to-day interactions.
Here are some tips on how to go from principle to practical:
- Mindful Presence: Be fully present by cherishing the moment you greet and engage anyone.
- Respectful Communication: Connect with kindness, empathy and respect, even in challenging situations.
- Authentic: Always remain respectful of the other, but also uphold your own values by staying true to your morals and ethics.
- Lead by Example: Let your actions demonstrate the power of Namaste, inspiring others to do the same.
By incorporating Namaste into your daily life, you will harvest a culture of respect, compassion, and understanding. Although it may seem like a small gesture at the onset, it will slowly, but surely, have a profound impact. At a minimum, it will remind you of the divine connections in human interactions. This feeling of interconnectedness will naturally prompt actions that are truly intended to treat others with dignity.
Break Barriers with Namaste
In our just completed masterclass program, many participants posed some valuable questions concerning Namaste and its perceived importance in societal situations. Here are three questions and answers that will help you deal with any such barriers you may encounter while applying Namaste in your life.
Q1: How can one apply the practice of Namaste during stressful situations like rush hour or when dealing with difficult individuals?
A: Firstly, maintaining inner peace is crucial. Anger only leads to losing your composure, which will break any line of constructive and cordial communication. It is important to remember that everyone you encounter is likely fighting an uphill battle like yourself. Placing understanding and compassion at the root of your interaction will help you stay calm and kind in any challenging situation, including rush hour traffic.
Q2: What if extending respect and kindness is perceived as a weakness?
A: What matters most is your intention and perception of your own behaviour. If your behaviour is aligned with your UPC (Ultimate Purpose Credo), AA (Affirmation Attraction), Birthday Gift and AI (Activity Impact), then other people’s opinions should not matter or impact your way of being. Those judgements do not define you, they define them.
Q3: How does one handle rudeness directed at my respectful demeanour?
A: Rudeness can only affect you if you let it. As Buddha once proclaimed, ‘any gift unaccepted by the recipient is a gift which remains with the giver’. The same applies to afflictions like rudeness. Maintain your integrity and let the negativity return to its source.
Whenever you are faced with individuals who are unreasonable take the higher road and preserve your integrity. It is paramount to be the bigger person and to maintain your values despite the actions of others. Ensure you always remain true to yourself. In this way, you will ultimately find deeper meaning and lasting happiness.
A Namaste Way of Being
In the end, it is important to remember that when you serve with the soul – understanding, connection, and respect – you are not merely performing an action, you are persisting and progressing a way of being. In embracing the Namaste spirit, you are creating meaningful long-term connections and fostering compassionate understanding, which contributes to a more cooperative and tolerant world.
If you would like to explore this topic further and gain a deeper set of tools and tips to navigate a Namaste life, join me on this journey toward greater respect, unity and significance at my upcoming SPARK Masterclass, beginning October 2024. The program is built to help transform the standard interpretation of success, and set you on a path to true achievement, significance and impact in business and beyond! Join today at