1. Plan and Visualize your three most important tasks for the day
Write down your three most important tasks the night before and visualize their success in your mind, including the emotions you will experience on their completion. Address them first thing the next morning. Your subconscious mind will assist you to turn your vision into reality.
2. Identify your most productive hours
Observe your mood, energy, thought patterns and distraction level throughout the day to find your peak productivity hours.
Schedule your most focus-driven tasks for those hours.
3. Build your focus muscle
Your brain is like a muscle. Your brain is like a muscle. The more you train your brain to focus, the better you get at it. Get into the habit of doing every task mindfully – bring your whole attention to the task at hand. Don’t multitask on your important and focus-driven tasks. Build your levels of focus gradually, starting with as little as 5 minutes to an uninterrupted period of 90 minutes.
4. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Our modern lifestyles have made it so that we want to avoid boredom or anything that does not promise instant gratification. Challenge your boundaries to do more than just focus on task completion or the reward at the end of the task.
5. Eliminate Distractions
Distractions not only dilute focus but also make it very difficult to get back on the task and revive the momentum. Try to curtail distractions such as emails, phone notifications, and other people during your selected hours.
6. Use breathwork to revive the brain
Many breathing exercises like pranayama can help increase the oxygen flow to the brain, thereby helping you beat fatigue and improve your attention span. Explore various breathwork techniques to find the one that suits you best.
7. Practice daily meditation
A daily meditation practice will gradually help you quiet down your internal mind chatter. This can train your mind to focus better and longer.