You are a miracle! A unique, special and precious human being! There is no one like you in the entire world. No one can smile like you, think like you, walk like you, talk like you or serve like you. From billions of people who have come into this world, no one has been like you.
You are special, precious and powerful.
When my cousin Asheef and his wife, Denise, were blessed with their first child my wife, Farzana, my daughter, Sahar, and I went to see the mother and child.
While holding the baby, I noticed how alert he was, despite being less than a day old. His big eyes and expressions left me marveling at creation and how a baby comes into being from the mother’s womb and so full of potential even as early as day one on the earth! When you reflect on creation, witness the birth of a child, observe how the day turns into night and night into day or see the seasons changing, you begin to appreciate the miracle of life.
You are a miracle, and you possess an enormous power within, but you need to open your innate gift before you shine. William James, the father of modern psychology, said, “The average person rarely achieves but a small portion of his or her potential.”
Rumi, the Sufi giant, says, “You have a duty to perform. Do anything else, do a number of things, occupy your time fully, and yet, if you do not do this task, all your time will have been wasted.” In other words, you can do hundreds of things, but if you do not do this one thing that you have a duty to do, you have wasted your life. What is this one thing you must do?
If you feel it is not practical to find and utilize your gift because of so many outside constraints, then you are “dead” before you start. Which means you will never find it because you do not believe it is possible. Ask these questions:
• What makes you tick?
• What kind of work makes you lose track of time?
• What kind of work would you do even if you did not get paid?
• What would you dare to do if you knew that you would not fail at it, no matter what?
• Where can you make the most difference?
• On your deathbed, what is the one regret you would have?
• Reflect on your funeral—what would you like people you care about to say about you?
These questions bring a deeper understanding and perspective about what is important to you.
Keeping a daily journal heightens your awareness and brings clarity about who you are, not who you think you are. The cause that excites you the most will give you an indication of what you are passionate and care about.
Then there is meditation the ultimate way to your journey within!