Every child is born essentially pure, magnificent, yet fragile and unformed. But instead of nurturing this essence, society shrouds it with their prejudices, opinions and biases in a bid to shape the child in their own image.
Gradually these conditionings force the child to borrow or construct a false self as a defensive reaction. This false self is the ego. Many people spend a lifetime living this false image and trying to fulfill expectations of who they are supposed to be, instead of discovering who they are.
People often confuse this false idea of the self (negative ego) with honor or respect. Often the elements of family and culture instead of adding richer dimensions to our being become our fortresses, which not only separate us from others but also cloak our own inner splendor.
But this true self can only be repressed – not obliterated. Hence, sooner or later, this repression becomes the root cause for conflict at work, in relationships, and between countries.