Thank you!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “there is no planet, sun, or star could hold you if you but knew what you are.”

So how about saying this to yourself today?

God has been very kind and generous with me. I am the luckiest person in the world.

I would not change my place with anyone in the world – not Bill Gates, not Warren Buffet, not George Clooney.

God made me and fashioned me as the finest of all creatures. He gave me all the gifts I need to pursue my purpose and mission in life. Why would I change anything about how I am created when God knows the end of all ends?

I realize that I have probably not used my full potential, perhaps only scratched it. This is fine because the past does not matter. However, watch me today and watch me going forward. I will tap into my genius and create a positive world around me.

Thank you!

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