Tapping into your Inner Power

Feature Article Image_AugWe have previously talked about the enormous potential contained within each of us. In this article let’s look at the five commitments embodied in the word POWER; commitments we can make to actualize this potential.

P: Power of Giving – the more you give, the more you have.

The first commitment is to understand and practice the power of giving. Whether it’s in the business arena or our personal life, the benefits are enormous, because giving builds trust.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Are you an empowering or overpowering leader?
  • Do you go the extra mile in what you do, or settle for expediency?
  • Have you invested in trust, building it into healthy relationships?
  • Do you realize that when you stop giving, you stop creating?

O: Open your Birthday Gifts – the gifts you were born with. Shine your light and inspire others to shine their light.

Each one of us is born with enormous potential. However, this potential can be actualized only when we open our birthday gift. Many people die with the birthday gift still unopened. This is an enormous waste, not only for the individual, but also for the whole world that has been denied the benefit of their contribution.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Do you realize that you are nature’s greatest miracle?
  • Have you discovered your innate gift and passion or are you settling for    something less?
  • Are you authentic?
  • Do you shine your light and inspire others to shine their light?

W: Have a Winning Attitude. Aiming high allows you to push yourself past self-imposed limits and glass ceilings to achieve remarkable things. In creating and maintaining a winning attitude, you unleash your potential to be the best you can be.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Do you attract wealth and success?
  • Do you believe in yourself and live that belief?
  • Do you know how to overcome negative, self-defeating thoughts?

E: Enlightened Persistence – persist until you succeed, but exit if you’re chasing the wrong goals.

Persistence, in and of itself, is usually a good thing, but what if you are chasing the wrong goals? This is where the idea of “enlightened persistence” comes in. Rather than chasing goals that are not, ultimately, right for you, establish your own goals—the goals that make you happy and keep you fulfilled. This is an important part of unleashing your potential.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Are you chasing futile goals which, even when achieved, will not invite happiness
  • When doing what is right for you, do you prevail even when the odds are stacked against you?
  • When the task is to turn goals into concrete results, do you do a little extra to create a breakthrough?
  • Are you focused and consistent?

R: Rejuvenation – nourish your mind, body and soul.

Your mind, body and spirit work together to help you be your best self. When one of these elements is not working, it negatively affects the other two, sometimes to a great extent. By feeding and nurturing your body, mind and spirit, you create a synergy that allows you to work effectively.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Are you stressed out and devoid of job satisfaction?
  • Do you confuse urgent things with important things?
  • Do you know what balance means to you and why you need balance?

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