
When we are handling complicated relationships, complex projects, or big
challenges, we feel important because the ability to handle complexity is often mistaken for the capacity to do more or be more. But in reality, it’s more difficult to be simple than complex; because making things simple requires you to get into the real depth of things to eliminate all that is inessential. Truth and beauty are always revealed in simplicity.

Here are a few suggestions to disrupt our daily schedules to make things simple and live the life we aspire to live.

1. Be Present

Being totally present to the moment puts you in the zone for great results. Give your 100% attention to whatever you are doing at that moment.

2. Create a stop-doing list

Challenge every activity and object occupying your life. Reward people who bring up ideas for your “Stop Doing” list. It will help both you and others to create more valuable time.

3. Organize around a tight set of priorities

Every night before you go to sleep, outline the three most important activities for the next day and begin your day with them. Do not start any other thing till you have completed them.

4. Measure your time

If we do not measure time, we do not know how we lose it.

5. Stop over-consumption

This elimination of over-consumption will substantially reduce clutter in your head and expand your mind space, carving out more productive time for creative ideas.

6. Spend time with people you love and those who mentor you

Sharing and receiving love and respect is not only a great source of rejuvenation but also a great tool to realign with what and who creates meaning in your life.

8. Brevity aids simplicity

Brevity forces you to clarify your thoughts and make your communication powerful.

9. Take care of your Balance

Your inner life influences your outer life and the outcomes you create. Every morning, spend some time on meditation, exercise, and reading something inspiring. A daily practice of this habit acts like a grounding tool, aligning your life purpose with your day.

Aim for simplicity in all you do and watch your productivity improve!

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