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Jennifer Lopez was born in The Bronx and knew early on that she wanted to dance. She shared with V Magazine, “My mom and I butted heads. I didn’t want to go to college — I wanted to try dance full-time. I started sleeping on the sofa in the dance studio. I was homeless, but I told her, ‘This is what I have to do.'”

In spite of stiff opposition from her Puerto Rican parents, who believed that it was an unrealistic career route for a Hispanic, Jenny from the block persisted in her dream.

Today J. Lo is a successful singer, actress, dancer, fashion designer, author, and producer. She says, “I can remember dancing and singing in front of the mirror in my bedroom. I’ve always had dreams — the dreams have just gotten bigger.”

What you seek has always been seeking you, even if you haven’t realized it. This is how the universe is designed.

If you’ve spent your entire life blind to this fact, you don’t have to continue staying in the dark anymore. You can sharpen your awareness, commit to your goals and understand that what you truly need is already available to you.

Have you ever experienced this power?

If yes, share with us your experience, an anecdote, or story which made you believe in the fact that what we seek is actually seeking us too. Maybe it was meeting your soulmate, getting your desired job, or realizing a personal dream.

Send us your story in the comments section below this post in 300 words or less.

The 5 best entries will win a free copy of our latest book, “What You Seek is Seeking You’ co-authored by best-selling Authors and Inspirational Speakers, Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy.

Good luck to all of you! We look forward to reading your stories.


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