Power of Daily Small Acts

Belief in your product or service is important. If you have the conviction that you offer something of value, then you have to go the distance. Having a mighty goal requires focus, consistency and a long-term approach
Jack Canfield, the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, has sold 115 million copies of books in the series. One day I asked Jack how he managed to sell so many books. He said, “We had hundreds of ideas about what we should do. It was overwhelming. We decided everyday we would do five things. Emailing, faxing, phoning, doing a media interview – whatever it took.” Every single day they did five things that moved them towards the achievement of their goals. By doing so, they ended up selling 115 million books.
You never know how close you might be to achieving your vision. Therefore always take the next step. You have to keep going to reach your goal, no matter how discouraged you might be. Without action brilliant plans are useless.

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