From Me to Us

Grandmother And Granddaughter Baking Together At Home

As “Me”, I am weaker. As “Us”, I feel stronger. An ocean (a symbol of “Us”) is mightier than a drop (symbol of Me).

What stops us from going from Me to Us? A judgment of others based on our paradigm.

Everybody is doing their best the way they know it. Each one of us is fighting a battle of some sort, trying to overcome one challenge or another.

Whether it’s doing a homework assignment; meeting work targets; hitting the mark in a new job; looking for employment; going through a challenging divorce or overcoming loneliness in old age. Our job is not to judge people and get frustrated by their behavior. Instead, we need to appreciate that everyone is fighting a battle, and to do all we can to make people’s lives easier – not more difficult!

Now, if our focus is too much on “me” then being frustrated and judging others will be the outcome. However, if our focus is on “us” instead, then we will play our part in making a positive difference – not only to others but also to ourselves!

As Ralph Waldo Emerson says:
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”

We cannot change what we did yesterday. However, we can certainly be better today. So, be a little kinder, gentler, and accepting today, and watch it bring you calm and joy!

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