Life is an open book

“We ought not to be ashamed of appreciating truth and of acquiring it wherever it comes from, even if it comes from races distant and nations different from us.” AL-KINDI

To be born is to take a seat in the school of life. Every moment and each encounter in life is an opportunity to learn for the Sufi. The Sufi learns from anyone and everyone, regardless of their background.

The Sufi also learns from nature, which has great wisdom. Consider a flower that gives perfume to every passerby, symbolizing the beauty of unconditional giving. It also gives the perfume of forgiveness to the hand that crushes it. So, from the flower, the Sufi learns the art of giving and forgiving.

Learning is a life-long process. If we learn only in schools, our learning is limited. The Sufis attribute a higher value to learning from experience. We can read about someone’s experience of visiting a place, we can hear about the same experience through a friend, and we can also see a documentary of someone visiting the same place. However, it is only when we personally visit that place that we can experience the real beauty of the place.

Learning through experience is what defines a person. We are the sum total of our entire past. We are made up of everything that has ever happened to us.

Our upbringing and conditioning to physical and tangible things make us undervalue matters of the heart and spirit. Look at how we protect our material possessions — our cars, clothes, house, money, and looks — and pay so little attention to what is inside — our soul, intangible and unseen.

For the Sufi, matters of the heart and soul are far more important than physical and tangible things.

The Sufis go a step further and talk about learning with the inner eye. The inner eye is different from the naked or outward eye. The experience that occurs through the inner eye is a reality beyond comparison. Ironically, it is often something we know for certain and see and feel, but cannot describe. It is like a mute person trying to talk of his experience. It is an intangible, yet very deep learning.

When we are open to learning, life is an open book! 

“Do not look at my outward shape, but take what is in my hand.” RUMI

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