In any given situation in your life you have a choice to be either calm or to be agitated.
Being calm when everything around you is going smoothly is easy. However, being calm when things are going haywire is much harder.
There are people who are agitated no matter what. It does not matter whether things are going smoothly, haywire or just average. They choose to be agitated. Usually, these types of people also resort to blaming others for their problems.
Then there are the normal people who are calm when things are smooth, feel average when things are average and get agitated when things are haywire. Most people would consider this normal, acceptable behavior.
However, there is another group of people who choose to be calm no matter what. They are not fazed by what is going on around them. Instead, they analyze the situation, look at the worst scenario and begin to work on minimizing the worst scenario pronto. Instead of wasting their energy in worrying about the situation, they use their energy to solving or mitigate the challenge.
Which category do you belong to?
If you want great success and a great response-mechanism choose the third category – keeping calm no matter what. When you choose this approach you utilize all your creative faculties to minimize, overcome or eliminate your challenges.