When you go to a place far away from your office, home or car with a view to spending the day getting caught up with your work, reading or finishing an important project, you will find that you are the most productive.
Why is this the case? Usually, when you are at your office or home, you are bound to get a number of interruptions. Secondly, you are surrounded by a baggage of past home and work experiences which take away from your focus and energy. Thirdly, you do not feel the assurance that you have a number of uninterrupted hours to focus on what you need to accomplish, thereby tending to interrupt yourself even when no one else is interrupting you.
If you are near your car, you have the temptation to drive somewhere, being then consumed by traffic and energy drain.
Once in a while, I go by train far away from my home, office and car. Those days end up to be the most productive for me.