Happiness comes from the Journey

Planning, fine-tuning, striving to get better and better every day in every way, are all good things to do. In fact, I highly recommend these habits. However, if you fail to enjoy the ride while doing all these great habit changes you will miss one of life’s wonderful mysteries – that the beauty of life is not tomorrow or yesterday – it is today, here and now!

At any given point in time, no matter how successful you are, there will be things that need to be done or fixed or improved upon. Focusing on these makes you get better is great. However, they will also make you feel incomplete and imperfect. So, do improve on these areas but also focus on the good things you have done and are doing so that you have the sustained energy to create positive changes; Remember to savour the process in the meanwhile, no matter where you’re going!

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2 Responses

  1. Accepted being happy is to be grateful for what you have, because there are thousand who dont have what we have. And that you plan and plan and plan a day to start to a fine tuning, but the ultimate decision is the almighty’s and we are then helpless. we are at a stalemate and have no where to go, there are times when nothing goes to plan then you begin to doubt………

  2. Being happy is something you have to learn. I often surprise myself by saying “Wow, this is it. I guess I’m happy. I got a home I love. A career that I love. I’m even feeling more and more at peace with myself.” If there’s something else to happiness, let me know. I’m ambitious for that, too.

    – Harrison Ford

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