Overcome ego, Overcome hurt!

If someone says something to you which is hurtful what happens to you? If you get hurt for a very short time, it is normal. However, if hurt continues, negative ego is creeping in. 

When someone says something hurtful, the question you have to ask is: why is the statement hurting you? 

  • Is it because someone is undermining your competence?
  • Is it because someone is making you look small and useless? 

Truth is truth and no one can change it. If you are competent, you are competent. By someone saying that you are not competent, does not change the truth. This does not mean you be in denial. You want to be objective so you learn if there is something you are doing which is wrong and can be done better. But to continue to be hurt, not necessary. Do not allow your negative ego to creep in!


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2 Responses

  1. The article is generally good but i lacks tactical ways of avoiding the negative ego to cree in once im hurt

    1. Thanks Christina! Will be soon writing on simple tips you can take to avoid negative ego. Keep watching our space…