All of us, at some point, face the daunting reality of unexpected challenges; enormous change, and/or pressing deadlines. The secret to surviving them, or rather thriving in them, is not to get ruffled, but to stay centered and maintain your equilibrium and enthusiasm. By relaxing and staying calm, you’ll be able to handle things more effectively.
Whenever possible, involve your family and your colleagues in these challenges as they can help you overcome them. It will also help you feel less alienated.
How do you not get ruffled when put to the test?
1. By making choices in the moment of integrity. The more you exercise wise choices at crunch time, the longer your sustainability.
2. Respond to your temporary defeat by affirming that although this week did not go as planned, you still felt centered and balanced, all the while keeping your principles and core values of family, health, and spirituality at the forefront.
3. If you allow every failure to teach you a lesson, each failure will make room for future success. In a particular week, you may miss your deadlines or have an argument with your spouse. This may make you fearful and lose hope. Respond with faith and persistence, and you will undoubtedly find a peaceful place of resolution. So don’t worry about temporary defeats. They’re part and parcel of success.
4. Your choices at every step of the way may require you to choose between success and Life Balance. Choose Life Balance. Success is empty without it.
5. “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional,” said the Dalai Lama, quoting an old Zen saying. Life inevitably brings pain and temporary defeats, even on the road to success. Develop a good sense of humor – nothing is better for softening blows. Learn to laugh at yourself. When you see the humor in embarrassing situations, they cease to be stressful. The person who can laugh often can keep going when others fail.