Aligning our personal and corporate goals

In our previous posts, we have discussed about the concept of discovering our life purpose. Once we have identified our personal or life purpose, the next step is to find a medium for its expression. If you are working for a corporate, then ideally your corporate purpose should be an extension of your personal purpose.

Dr. Stephen Covey uses the term “co-missioning,” meaning the aligning of personal and company missions.

For instance, my personal mission is to shine my light and inspire others to shine theirs.  My business mission is to help individuals find their birthday gifts, to use the power of giving and inspire life balance.

So make it a practice to regularly reflect on the big questions of life. Incase you need help to decide whether your corporate goals are aligned with your personal goals, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I know my purpose in life? Do I know the purpose of my corporation? Am I finding meaning and fulfillment in my corporate work? 
  • If I asked those who are close to me — friends, family, employers, employees, colleagues (360 degree evaluation) — what they think my strengths are, what would they say?   
  • If I were dying today, what would be the one regret I would have? Was there a promise I made to the higher self, to my creator? Did I get distracted by life’s “toys”? 
  • Is my life purpose married to my corporate purpose? 
  • Do I have a simply written, energizing corporate vision and mission statement that I clearly and consistently articulate to my team at work? 
  • Have I involved my team in preparing the company vision and mission statement? 
  • Similarly, do I have a clear family vision and mission statement that I have involved my family members in constructing? 
  • Do I have a personal vision and mission statement that is aligned to both family and corporation? 

These questions will prompt you to look deep within yourself to identify if there is any congruence between your personal and corporate goals. If there is, then you are on the right path and if not, you should seriously evaluate your path ahead. 

Because it is only when we can integrate our work life with our soul, then can we hope to create a unified picture that brings together both our inner and outer worlds. 


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