Have you and your team identified the key ingredients for success in your business?
Elon Musk, Founder of Tesla says, “If you’re trying to create a [successful] company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.”
What is that special effervescent mixing agent which brings it all together, without which success cannot be reached?
The power of Belief has been well documented. We also know of this power intuitively. Where would we be without belief? Would you have invested in your business if you didn’t believe it would succeed? Would you have sent your kids to the best schools if you didn’t believe they would benefit from it? Of course not! When we believe in something, our belief becomes a springboard – catapulting us towards actions, which will make that belief a reality.
What if you don’t have any beliefs? Worse still, what about partial belief? Because ‘no belief’ at least leaves you the choice to decide spontaneously. But what happens when our belief is not absolute? When we’re uncertain?
In a corporate environment, uncertainty can spell disaster. Just think of what a little uncertainty in a public company does to that company’s stock price.
While we understand the importance of our beliefs in propelling us to success, are we paying enough attention to the beliefs of our team? Does every single member believe in your company and endorse it?
In the era of social media, every team member is a virtual brand ambassador. We’ve all come across the salesperson that is “on the fence” so to speak. He likes the company and its offerings, but he’s not into it 100%. Less than total belief yields less than optimal success.
You can have the greatest idea/product, the best branding and market positioning, but if you or your team members do not believe in it, then your business can never attain its full potential.
But when enough salespeople start really believing in the company and its offerings a remarkable thing happens. Coined the “Belief Multiplier Effect (BME)” by Alan Luce, it describes the sudden inexplicable upsurge in business beyond what projections anticipated. In his article, “Creating the “Belief Multiplier Effect” in Your Business” Luce maintains that of course the basics of excellent service, motivation, leadership and education have to be present in order to experience BME.
However, the defining element is what he calls Organizational Belief. “
To summarize, the right belief can spell the difference between success and failure.
But how do we engender the right belief?
The process begins when you identify your life purpose. Once you are clear about what you want and why, the right beliefs become a consequence of that knowing. For example, if you think your life purpose is to be a great doctor and heal people, then your life vision spurs you on to seek the right qualifications and experiences, which then lay down the foundation for your self-belief.
So be mindful of the beliefs you create and watch them help your inner radiance shine through.