You are the Boss!

The obvious perks of being your own boss are many, the challenges many more!

Instead of one boss, you now have multiple clients to report to, schedules to adhere with and responsibilities to handle.

With freelancing on the rise, the need to self-learn, instruct and discipline is critical to create a successful and profitable enterprise and achieve personal success.

Here are a few tips to make it better for you:

1. Set your goals and read them every day – They are the stepping stones to your success.These goals will help you to remain inspired, energized and on track, enhancing your daily progress in a significant manner.

2. Planning – Planning time cuts down execution time and avoids duplication of effort. Identify your most productive times, and then set them as distraction-free work time zones. Commit your most important tasks or work to those zones, and whether you feel like it or not, do not deviate. This will help you to structure your workday and enhance self-discipline to generate maximum productivity.

3. Set your working hour limit –

It is easy to lull yourself to working in a scattered manner with diffused work hours, stretching all across the day and over weekends. While it might give you the impression of being very busy, you might not be generating corresponding output.

4. Keep your skills updated –

Keep an eye on what’s happening in your industry by subscribing to relevant sites, networking with similar professionals and analyzing changing customer requirements. Find out what new skills are most relevant and aligned with your work portfolio and upgrade whenever required.

5. Get out of your comfort zone

– Allocate a certain percent of your time to trying out new and challenging projects. Set harder deadlines, try out new combinations, take on something you have never done before, improvise existing activities.

6. Stay healthy and active –

Though it’s very tempting to lounge in front of your computer under the pretext of work, it’s important to allocate a certain time everyday to physical exercise. Exercise not only helps you to remain healthy but also aids the release of hormones, which help the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, improve mood and sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety.

7. Be open to feedback –

Your work might not suit everyone’s needs or it might require changes to align itself with client expectations. Hence, don’t take rejection or criticism personally. View it as information and insight, using it objectively to work on your shortcomings and hone your skills.

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