Power of Authenticity

Our journey towards success and fulfillment is rooted in our authenticity.  Our inner light shines through when we express our true selves; when we are honest enough to admit both our strengths & limitations.

Because the reality is that even with all our limitations, each one of us is still unique and special. We should be open enough to embrace who we are, flaws and all. Because If we try to be someone else, at best, we can only become a ‘second-best someone’. As they say: “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

A lot of people fear being themselves because they feel they won’t be liked or accepted. If someone likes you when you are living a lie, he may stop associating with you when he finds out the real you; because sooner or later, truth reveals itself. By pretending to be someone you are not just to be liked, you can have all the wrong people crowd around you.

Find out how you can uncover the ‘authentic you’ in our forthcoming book, ‘What You seek is Seeking You’ ‘co-authored by Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy.

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