Winner’s Recipe

Winner’s have many positive attributes. Here are some of them that you can emulate:

1. Take 100 % responsibility.

I have come across many successful people around the world. One quality they all have is they take full responsibility for their life. I have also come across people who always have an excuse for their shortcomings. For them, it is usually someone else’s fault. Taking 100 percent responsibility for your shortcomings and failures is the key to your success and happiness. When you take responsibility, you announce to the world that if things are going to change, you will be the catalyst. To create a winning attitude, take 100 % responsibility for your life.

2. Decide and reinforce.

Once you decide what you stand for and where you are going, reinforce it in as many ways as you can. Emphasize it in your verbal, written, non-verbal, and third-party communication. Go forward, and make decisions that help you implement your ideas. The more you reinforce them, the deeper your understanding and confidence will become. When people on your team see you in that mode, they start to increase the tempo, and you will see a positive effect. However, the starting point is you as the leader. If you waver in your actions or decision making, you signal doubt about your intentions and plans.

3. Value feedback.

Regular feedback and accountability can be very valuable. Being open and objective allows you to evaluate where you can do better. We all have blind spots and can miss some obvious errors we may be making. One of the qualities of successful people is inviting feedback and being open to it. There is always room for improvement, even when you have performed at your peak.

4. When winning takes over

When you notice things falling into place, you may be tempted to say “I am lucky.” However, usually, things fall into place because you:

• are becoming more clear and focused
• are becoming confident of your success
• have accelerated your work rate.

The above combination results in luck and synchronicity.

5. Don’t let the past dictate the future.

It does not matter where you start; it is where you finish that counts. Bill Gates was a college dropout who at times enjoyed playing poker in lieu of going to classes at Harvard. He started Microsoft in 1975, went public in 1986, and became one of the richest men on earth with his belief in the power of digital tools.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple in 1976 in Steve Job’s garage. In 1996, Apple was struggling. Today, Apple is one of the most dynamic and creative success stories. Albert Einstein had challenges with some of the most basic daily activities but was one of the eminent scientific geniuses of the 20th century. The past does not equal the future.

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