What fears are you holding on to?

Fear is a challenge that will creep in to trip you up.

Fear is focused on the past and the future. With fear, you freeze and choke before you start, eliminating all chances of success. Osho, the mystic, described fear by giving the example of the bird that would never fly if it feared the unbounded skies and would thus miss out on all the beauty, or a mother who would never give birth if she feared the pangs of childbirth and would therefore miss the joy and the love a child brings to the home.

Five years ago I took my daughter, then 17, to Queens University in Kingston so she could check it out and decide if she wanted to attend school there. It was a frightening experience to let my daughter go away from home at that tender age. Recently, I went to her graduation at Queens. She finished a dual degree (business and arts) with distinction and honour.

When you face your fears, you can convert a frightening experience into a moving and fulfilling one.

How about you? What fears are you holding on to?

The Sufi poet Hafiz says, “You yourself are your own obstacle. Rise above yourself.”

Success in anything starts with your willingness to face up to your fears, stare them down and find the emerging natural leader within you.

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