What are the steps to bringing lasting joy in my life, versus simply moments of happiness?

Pleasure or happiness is momentary and subject to external factors. A colleague or boss praises our work and we momentarily feel happy. If someone criticizes us, that same happiness is transformed into sadness.

But joy is different from happiness or pleasure.

Joy is rooted in our very being.

It always stems from within and is impervious to external factors.
Though I feel being joyful is a choice, I would emphasis these three main steps to eliminate the barriers within yourself that you have built against joy:

1. Find out and live your life purpose – Do something that brings you alive, impassions your very being, makes your heart sing and you have have a recipe for joy. Because we feel joyous whenever we are closer to living and being who we truly are.

2. Start everyday with gratitude – Counting your blessings is the first step of inviting abundance and happiness. Look for one thing that is working for you, focus on it and witness the positive energy it generates.

3. Create joy in other’s lives – What goes around comes around. We are all connected and whatever you give to others will invariably find its way back to you. So go ahead and spread the cheer and see it grow manifold riches you’re your yourself.

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