Walking your talk

There are three steps in becoming serious about taking your game to the next level. 
Step one is to make a decision that you want to take your work/game/life to the next level. Step two is to communicate your decision to the people whose support you will need to bring about this change. Step three is to align all your actions to your desire.

There comes a time in your life when despite all your hard work and dedication you feel you are not working to your peak. At that point you decide it is time to take your game to the next level. You make a decision and write down what you want to accomplish and by when.

Then you ask yourself who you need to help you achieve your goal. Usually it is your team which includes work colleagues and family. When you involve your team in this exercise, they become involved and committed. You also discuss with your family why it is important to make this transition so they also feel involved and become part of the solution. 

Finally, you organize your whole life around this commitment you have made. You take massive daily action toward your goal. You walk, talk, breathe, sleep as if it is a done deal.

Saying that you are serious about taking your game to the next level is one thing. Communicating to your team at work and family is the next important thing. Finally, aligning all your actions and behaviour to meet your desire is when you begin to walk your talk! 

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