Transformational Leaders make ordinary employees extraordinary whereas Transactional Leaders keep ordinary employees ordinary;
Transformational Leaders transform individuals, committees, Boards, Institutions, families, businesses whereas Transactional Leaders retain the status quo;
Transformational Leaders engage, energize, empower the employees whereas Transactional Leaders micromanage and overpower;
Transformational Leaders coach and mentor whereas Transactional Leaders give specific tasks;
Transformational Leaders work “on” the business whereas Transactional Leaders work “in” the business;
Transformational Leaders think outside the box, are creative and innovative whereas Transactional Leaders remain
in the comfort zone;
Transformational Leaders catch employees doing things right whereas Transactional Leaders pick on faults;
Transformational Leaders explain, demonstrate, and inspire whereas Transactional Leaders tell;
Transformational Leaders rejuvenate employees whereas Transactional Leaders retire employees.
What kind of Leader are you? and more importantly:
What kind of Leader do you want to be?
One Response
This is very true, practical and resourceful. Yes, for any organisation or country to prosper and experience genuine progress, we need to allow, embrace and promoteTransformation. Organizations have to search for, appreciate, develop and promote Transformation by investing in Transformation Leaders.
I personally want to become a resourceful and supportive Transformational Leader in my organisation and my country. Some of my subordinates say that , I am so but I will really wish to learn more about the traits and qualities of such a leader, so that I can improve myself and inculcate more of such features in me, not just as head knowledge but as my way and every day style of leadership.
Kindly help me become one such leaders.