To Do or Not To Do!

Workspace with coffee cup,  tablet pc, instant photos, note paper and notebook on old wooden table

If you are like most executives, you will likely have a lot on your plate at any given time, including now.

How do you go about executing these “to do” items? People take many approaches. Some are effective, others not so much.

For me, the most effective approach is to first, park the “To do” list and revisit my goals. I then recreate my new “To do” list from my goals and prioritize accordingly. I then compare this new list with my old one and delete any duplicated items.

From what is left of my old “To Do” list, I ask myself if I’ve missed an item that aligns with my goals. If so, I add it to my new list. If not, it gets either deleted, delegated, or goes into a procrastination file!

Finally, from my newly refurbished “To do” list, I delegate as much as I am able to assign; prioritize what is left, and then execute my tasks around a tight set of priorities!

How about you?

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