
Mountain lake in the Swiss Alpes in cloudy autumn day
Mountain lake in the Swiss Alpes in cloudy autumn day

You are in charge of your thoughts; not your circumstances; not your environment; not your luck!

It’s always easy to blame something outside you for your thoughts and mood. But, when you realize it is you who is master and architect of your thoughts, you can channel them.

So where should you direct your thoughts you may ask? To a happy, blissful and serene place where you are at your peak.

James Allen, in his classic book, As a Man Thinketh, said:
“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.”

You are the master of your joy and your sorrow. As you think, so you become. Be aware of your thoughts – they determine your joy and your sorrow!

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2 Responses

  1. Wonderful words of wisdow.
    Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I am in control of my toughts!!!