The Simple Things

What brings joy and happiness? 

It is usually the simple things. A random act of kindness, a memorable time shared with loved ones, a feeling of gratitude. Here are some examples from my day yesterday in Waikiki, where I am spending a week vacationing with my family:


My son Tawfiq and I were walking toward the elevator from our room one morning, when we saw three old ladies trying to get to the elevator with over a dozen suitcases packed onto a large trolley. They were going nowhere, as the trolley was much too heavy for them. Tawfiq and I helped them get their trolley down at the lobby. They must have thanked us at least a dozen times for this simple act!


My daughter Sahar and I were swimming in the ocean in the afternoon and I was teaching her how to properly head a soccer ball with her forehead. Seeing her enjoy the experience brought great joy. A small admission: yes, we had a soccer ball with us in the ocean to lure my son Tawfiq to join us. Anything to do with soccer and my son is in!


Later on, Farzana (my wife), Sahar, Tawfiq and I decided to try and share different fruit juices while enjoying a casual evening in Waikiki. Sharing the delicious, fresh juice and the simple conversations felt priceless. 

Late at night Sahar, Farzana and I were sitting in the lobby chatting when I was getting some advice and feedback from my daughter Sahar about social media. You start your journey by teaching your children, and then they wind up teaching you — amazing!
The above stories seem casual and simple, yet they are the essence of creating great memories that bring joy and happiness! 

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