The Power of Giving Multiplies!

A dear friend, Ashok Maheshwari, Chairman of D&H Secheron Electrodes P. Ltd. india gives away thousands of my various books as gifts to others. He received this moving letter and shared it with me:

 My dearest Ashokji,

It is with deepest gratitude that I write this letter to you. Thank you for sharing with me the wonder of the book “The Power of Giving“.

 You are no stranger to the unfortunate circumstances which befell my family a year ago. The passing of both my parents within a span of 15 days of each other was a blow that would have been very difficult to recover from if it was not for the love of friends like Sumanji and yourself. My wife Neha and I have been constantly inspired by your kind words and my interactions with you always leave me nourished, fulfilled and uplifted.

I am very pleased to inform you that the book you gave me – “The Power of Giving” has come to me at a time in my life when my most basic priorities have been questioned. Dealing with the loss of both heads of my family has made me value my place in the universe even more greatly. In particular the thoughts so beautifully expressed in “The Power of Giving” have inspired the conception of a pediatric cancer center in my parents’ memory. The Satish and Neera Metha Center for Pediatric Oncology will shortly be opened at a brand new facility – The Society for the Rehabilitation of Children at Haji Ali in Mumbai. And you have played a vital role in making this happen. I thank you most whole-heartedly Ashokji.

I truly believe that things happen in life for a reason. There is a larger plan for us all – one that we are unaware of – but a plan that is deftly being guided by powers much higher than we are able to recognize. I believe the day you gave me this book was a vital cog in the larger plan of my life. The act of giving has brought me immense joy, and, in a sense, the peace that I have been looking for ever since the event of their passing.

My highest commendations to the authors of “The Power of Giving” and my deepest gratitude to you Ashokji. I pray that the Almighty continues to enrich my life with the blessings of Sumanji and yourself. It is the relationship I have come to cherish very deeply in a very short time.

With warmest personal regards,

Pranay Metha
Mumbai, India

This letter truly reflects the power of giving in all its glory, and the abundance with which it can grow.

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