The New Year is a time of reflection

Ask yourself, if you could live your life again, what would you change?

Would you:

– look after your health better?
– be more loving, committed and patient with your family?
– be more focused on your core offerings and strengths?
– have more focus around life long learning?
– surround yourself with smarter, sharper and kinder people?
– be more organized at home and work?
– meditate more regularly?

Since you cannot change the past, what will you do in 2015 to incorporate what you would like to change in your life? How about setting goals around each of these things and reading them every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up? How about evaluating your progress every week and taking baby steps to improve, so that next year when you reflect on your life, you will have a different set of things to work on? Remember that life at any given point is a work in progress, never a finished product.

The New Year is a time to express gratitude for the gift of life, family, friends, and health.

It is a time to be humble for the success that you have achieved with the help from many others around you and before you.

The New Year is a reminder to all of us that the clock is ticking and every year that passes is one year less to live. Life is short, even if you live a hundred years; it is like the blink of an eye when you compare it to eternity.

This New Year, commit to savor each moment and live it fully serving others with your wisdom, time and resources, for when you die, you do not take what you have, but you take what you gave!

The New Year is a time of reflection, setting goals, expressing gratitude, being humble, savoring each moment and serving others.

Happy New Year!

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