The Destiny is in the Journey!

Some days may feel like you are stuck on a treadmill, running faster and faster while remaining in the same place. Other days, as you run faster and faster you feel like you are getting even faster on your way to where you want to go.

Irrespective of whether you feel you are stuck in the same place on the treadmill or moving faster to your destination, sooner or later you will realize that unless you are savouring the journey, the destiny alone will not be sufficient to fulfill you.

When you reach your destiny, you will not merely stop and rot. You will likely create another wish, goal or destiny. So begin to enjoy the ride to wherever you are heading because the destiny is in the journey!

Today is the last day to vote for the “Maziwa Breast Pump” – Common Bond Social Impact Award. Click the link below and pls share with contacts:

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