The benefits of giving are instantaneous!

This may surprise you, but in reality the benefits of giving are instantaneous. Think a good thought for about 30 seconds right now. How do you feel? You should feel lighter and happier! In contrast, if you have a bad thought you will feel worse. As you send out good thoughts, you invite goodness—it is instantaneous! The benefits may be intangible or tangible.

A few years ago I was speaking at the Aga Khan University in Karachi. A driver picked me up from my hotel to take me to the auditorium where I was to speak and took me back to the hotel after the presentation. He was gracious and ensured I arrived at the university on time, waiting for me after the program ended so that I could mingle with participants after my speech.

After he dropped me off at my hotel, I asked him to wait, as I had something to give him. I gave him a whole-nut chocolate bar I had brought from London, England. I don’t think he had ever seen this chocolate before because I saw him turning it over a few times as if it were a rare toy. He appreciated the gesture and was going to take it home for his children.

The phone was ringing when I entered my room. It was a call from another client of mine in Karachi who had just confirmed two speaking engagements for a substantial fee while I was in town.

This was completely unexpected. I am not saying the phone call would not have come if I had not given the chocolate, but the timing of this phone call was, for me, confirmation that nothing you give goes unnoticed.

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