There is no shortage of time! Only a shortage of focus, clarity, discipline, and desire! 

We all function within the same 24-hour cycle, but not everyone is fully functional in this equal timeframe. Not even more power; more money or more influence can manipulate this time-value challenge. You see, time is the great equalizer, but also the true separator of the good from the great.

It all begins with prioritizing the ‘value’ of your valuable time. Then, energizing that ‘value’ with the most purposeful efforts. And finally, maximizing the ‘value’ by using “No” as a gateway to “Yes”.


Schedule The Self

Ever heard the saying, “Charity begins at home”? In short, it is about ensuring you and your loved ones, who are of the most value, are taken care-of. It is only when the ‘home’ is anchored that your compassion and generosity can set sail and be extended to the wider community. 

In the case of your professional life, the first consideration in your schedule should always be to reserve time for yourself to do what is most valuable to you. Why? Because your well-being drives others’ welfare. 

Top three daily 

In my Masterclass, I cover the concept of ‘top three business and top three personal’ priorities. Basically, it is centred around creating to-do lists that put ‘first things first’ by attacking your top three most important priorities at the top. Putting urgent before important can potentially be problematic as urgent tasks are seldom important. For example, if you are parking your workout slot to put more time into that spreadsheet, are there possible ramifications to your health and sanity? Quite likely, because any successes gained by these types of sacrifices are temporary and surely fleeting.

Purpose-Guided Planning

Life is an exchange. For goods and services, the exchange is money. For experiences, the exchange is time. Both however need to be prudently managed by priority. When it comes to prioritizing time, you will need to make choices that provide the most return on investment (think: opportunity cost). The best way to do this in the SPARK realm is to do your input-output calculation by what will result in the most impact and significance. The key driver for this is putting purpose over ticking tasks by aligning your work with your ultimate purpose credo, long-term goals and values. 

This shift from task-based to purpose-driven work will also help you maintain focus and deliver meaningful results.


Being in Balance

The Corporate Sufi approach is motivated by the aim for harmony on three levels – Business, Balance and Beyond (BBB). With Balance as the pivot point, it is important to find a cohesive unanimity between your material and spiritual aims. Infuse a mind, body, and soul approach to your professional endeavors, rather than just a top line, bottom line, and sales focus. Having a balanced approach will help you break free from the constant busy-ness and pressures. It will energize your mood, as well as inspire you to allocate your time wisely and with impact.

Creativity Through Connections

One of the most potent ways to energize your valuable time is by finding creative, innovative and diversified outlets. One of the best ways to embed yourself in such environments is through relationships. Relationships advance achievement and elevate efficiency.

Throughout the ages, personal story-sharing has been the bond that builds solid relationships. Why? Because it is an outlet for someone to tell another what he/she is thinking and feeling, and vice versa. Devoting valuable time to spark conversation is a great way to energize your Self and others, as well as add greater significance and impact to the overall relationship. 


Eliminate Distractions

One of the biggest obstacles to maximizing your valuable time is distraction. Notifications, unnecessary tabs, and background noise can pull you away from deep, focused work. Create a distraction-free environment by turning off non-essential notifications, closing unrelated browser tabs, and finding a quiet workspace. The fewer interruptions you have, the more efficiently you’ll be able to work, magnifying the quality of your output in less time.

Embrace Boredom

In our overstimulated world, many of us have forgotten how to embrace boredom. Boredom can be a powerful tool for focused work. When you resist the urge for constant stimulation, like checking social media or switching tasks, you train your brain to stay on track. This mental stamina allows you to dive into deep work, where you’re most productive and creative, enhancing the quality of your valuable time.

Learn to Say, “No”

Not every request or task aligns with your purpose, identity and goals. Learning to say, “No” to projects that don’t contribute to your priorities, is paramount in protecting your valuable time. This can help you focus on high-impact tasks that will lead to better results. Setting boundaries helps prevent burnout and keeps your energy directed toward the most important areas of your work. 

Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors, attributes much of his success to learning how to say no. Buffett famously said, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” This approach allows him to focus his time on only the most impactful investments and decisions.

So maximize the ‘value’ of your time and effort by using “No” as a gateway to an ultimate, “Yes!”.

Many professionals mistakenly believe that productivity is tied to the number of hours spent, equating long hours with greater results. But the true impact isn’t about how much time you log—it’s about the quality of that time. The key is to stop measuring your productivity in linear time – in the number of hours you log. Instead, measure it by the amount of valuable time you spend—when you’re focused, in the flow, and fully engaged.

This shift is fundamental to the SPARK approach: a deliberate, purpose-driven protocol that transforms effort into exceptional outcomes. Stop settling for just meeting expectations—set a new standard of excellence. Make your time count, and let your work shine to SPARK the way. The next time you sit down to work, ask yourself: “Am I just filling time, or am I making it valuable?”

For a peek at the second round of my Ignite Your SPARK  click here:  5-Step Masterclass in Transformational Leadership 

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4 Responses

  1. I agree often you have to say NO to many things in order to avoid burn out. you have to convince the mind to focus consistently on what matters (family, health, not working in a toxic work setting, etc). The heart already knows where it wants to put the energy, but it is the mind which can sabotage the results.

    1. Hi Zahra,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts—I completely agree. The mind truly needs consistent nurturing and guidance to stay focused on what matters most in life. It’s no surprise they often refer to it as the “monkey mind”! 😊

      I recommend incorporating daily meditation and affirmations centered around your Ultimate Purpose Credo (UPC). As discussed below, these practices can be transformative in helping to align the mind with the heart and bringing greater clarity and balance to your life. Wishing you continued success on this meaningful journey!

    1. Hi Joe, Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I’m glad the reminder resonated with you—it’s such a powerful mindset shift. Wishing you success as you prioritize what truly matters!

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