10 tips to enhance your productivity

business growth and success graph with a businessman walking up the graph and a worldmap in the background

Feel and do your best with these simple tips to boost your productivity:

1. Do the most important work first thing in the morning—as the first hour goes, so goes the day!

2. Don’t shuffle papers; make quick decisions. Some people look at the same paper several times because they are not decisive.

3. Avoid too many interruptions. Some interruptions are necessary for doing business but you also need to carve out some uninterrupted time to get your important work done.

4. Delegate effectively. Be clear in your instructions when you delegate.

5. Use deadlines to create results. By creating timelines you can increase your productivity.

6. Do just one thing at a time, finishing it before you move to the next thing as much as possible. Jumping from task to task makes you lose momentum and focus.

8. Be “Sit, walk or run but don’t wobble” is an old Zen saying. That’s another way of saying “Don’t waffle; be decisive.”

9. Break large tasks into smaller steps. You eat an apple one bite at a time. Breaking big tasks into smaller chunks makes the task more manageable and allows you to get going.

10. Make waiting time more A lot of time during the day gets wasted in “wait time.” Utilize waiting time by spending it in planning or reading the important material.

(Excerpt from the book, ‘Life Balance the Corporate Sufi Way, by Azim Jamal & Nido Qubein)

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