Power Within!

Mum lifting daughter outdoors, looking to camera, vertical

It never seizes to amaze, how a small seed ultimately becomes a mighty oak tree one day. If you look at the seed, it is difficult to believe that an ultimate mix of roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits are contained within such a small package. It’s a wonderful reminder of how every form of life innately carries a blueprint of its own destiny.

Humankind also is born a seed – brimming with potential. But unless we become conscious of this magnificence within, we cannot actualize it.

This requires taking a journey inward for the real magic to unfold. This is not to say that any interest in the outer has to be dropped, however, our preoccupation with it needs to be curtailed. It’s true, a seed does indeed draw light, water, nutrition from the outside, but the transformation happens with the inner work.

The mystic Osho summarizes this concept as follows:

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”

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