“I will greet this day with love in my heart.” – Og Mandino
Irrespective of the role we play in life, we all have to eventually sell, whether it is selling our skills in our workplace or simply selling an idea or opinion.
A question I’m often asked is: how can you be genuine and attend to your customer’s needs when you have strict sales targets to meet?
The issue is short-term versus long-term success. Long-term success starts with trust, with building a relationship. If you make a quick sale but damage your customer’s trust, you may make your numbers in the short term, but it will be very hard to regain your credibility and get repeat business. Balancing your need to meet short-term targets and at the same time building long-term relationships and trust will create the optimum outcome.
There are certain fundamental concepts to keep in mind during selling.
1) CARE about the customer, not just your product. Realize that no sale will happen unless the customer takes an interest. The customer will only take an interest when you understand his or her problem and know how your product caters to their needs. Hence LISTEN with your eyes and your heart, with undivided attention and without judgment. Appeal to the emotions of the buyer because that’s what excites them more than the facts.
2) MASTER your emotions. Don’t take rejection personally because it’s not about you, it’s about the client. Rejection merely means that your product does not match their needs; they can’t afford it or they’re interested in something different. You have to remember that you cannot win every sale. You are unique and your services will appeal to some but not everyone.
3) THINK BIG – if you have a big target then your ideas and outlook will change to support that. Ask what success looks like to you.
4) BELIEVE in your products and services and use them yourself so you can explain them better. Your conviction in the goodness of your product will show up in your demeanor. Enhance word-of-mouth selling by giving extraordinary value.
5) PERSIST in your selling. Make one more call, one more knock on the door, one more presentation. Some people stop just before they achieve their goal.
6) READ or listen to sales books to learn how to become better – The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino and Brian Tracy’s The Psychology of Selling are two good examples.
7) ASK the great questions: “why”, “what” and “how”. Have face-to-face meetings because they lead to more sales and help build rapport and great relationships. Also, show that you listen – a key skill that will increase your relationship with your client.
Finally, remember, if you are afraid of rejection, you will make very little in sales. See rejection as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, and significantly improve the product and service. See every ‘no’ as one step forward towards getting a ‘yes’. Remember that a rejection is nothing personal; the prospect is just not the right fit. Maybe a bigger sale is around the corner.
For more tips on living an inspired life, read our latest book, ‘What You Seek is Seeking You’ by Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy.