Can you imagine if you had everything you wanted; needed nothing, and thus had no goals. I know a 70-year-old man who is looking to buy a business. I asked him why and he said, “I have enough money to retire, but I need something to do. I volunteer 2 hours a day and exercise an hour a day. Then what do I do for the rest of the day?” Interesting. What happened to look forward to retirement?
No matter what, we are always striving for something. This is not a bad thing. It gets you up in the morning to aim for something meaningful.
If you are having challenges in life (at work or in your business) and are thinking that they will all disappear when you retire – think again. The types of challenges change, but they do not disappear completely.
What you can change in your life are your attitude and your outlook. If you have an attitude of gratitude and a positive outlook to everything around you, suddenly things change in your life. In reality, things have not changed; only the way you look at them. As my late colleague, Dr. Wayne Dyer would say, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!”
Life is not perfect and it will never be perfect. However, do not knock lack of perfection in your life because imperfection is perfect!