Only ‘you’ can be ‘you’!

No need to try to be someone else. Everyone else is taken. Only ‘you’ can be ‘you’! No one else can be you.

You are a miracle! A unique, special and precious human being! There is no one like you in the entire world. No one can smile like you, think like you, walk like you, talk like you or serve like you. From billions of people who have come into this world, no one has been like you. You are special, precious, and powerful.

You are a miracle, and you possess an enormous power within. William James, the father of modern psychology, said, “The average person rarely achieves but a small portion of his or her potential.”

You are on this earth for a purpose, a calling. If you do everything but ignore your calling, you miss the mark. So live your life, run your race and fulfill your purpose. Be the best you can be, no one else can be that or do that for you.

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