The Magical Way of Coincidences

“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”

– Rumi, Sufi Mystic

Have you noticed the coincidence that when you’re thinking about choosing a particular car, you keep noticing that brand everywhere you go? Or if you are expecting a baby, you see more pregnant women than you did before?

Brian Tracy says that you are a “living magnet”, you invariably attract the right people, ideas and opportunities into your life that are harmonious with your goals.

When you focus on a goal, the reticular activating system (RAS), a part of your brain that filters information you are exposed to, highlights things that support your thoughts. If you have well-defined goals, RAS will direct your attention towards people, events and opportunities that can help achieve your aspirations.

The Observer Effect in the Quantum Mechanics theory of physics refers to changes that the very act of observation will make on a phenomenon being observed. In a similar vein, we each affect our future through what we think about.

Reflect on the following questions:

  • Is your desire strong and noble?
  • Is your desire consistent?
  • Are your actions and desire aligned with each other?
  • Do you notice and record coincidences in your life?
  • Do you express gratitude for every coincidence that brings you closer to achieving your goals?
  • Do you look at every coincidence, (positive or negative), as an opportunity to propel you towards your goals?
  • Do you regularly visualize and affirm your goals?

We are all interconnected. In his book, SynchroDestiny, Deepak Chopra used the famous Grinberg-Zylberbaum experiment (1987) to prove that we are all connected on a spiritual level.

The experiment documented two meditating subjects who were able to feel mentally connected even when placed in separate rooms – when one was exposed to bright flashes of light, the other meditator’s brain responded as if he too were being exposed to flashes of light.

This isn’t just proven by lab studies. Many artists, thinkers, performers and creators were able to embark upon their careers because of serendipitous moments like these.

When Jazz musician James Morrison and his brother were trying to make it big in New York, they often played music on the streets to support themselves. Once they made enough money to get a burger from Burger Boy, and within hours of eating his burger, James was flying business class, eating smoked salmon on his way to Europe for a major jazz tour.

It turned out that a waiter at Burger Boy spotted his trumpet and put the Morrisons in touch with an agent who urgently needed a replacement for a sick soloist.

While Harrison Ford dabbled in acting in the 1960s, he also moonlighted as a carpenter to support his meager earnings. During one of his carpentry stints, he was noticed by George Lucas, who chose him for a role in the 1973 film, American Graffiti. Later, luckily for Harrison, both Christopher Walken and Al Pacino turned Lucas down when presented with the role of Han Solo in the 1977 mega-hit, Star Wars.

These coincidences happened because these people were clear about their purpose and gave their best to whatever they did.

We each have the power to create our life through our thoughts. You can use this knowledge to be in command of your own existence and create coincidences in your life.

For more amazing tips on creating an inspired life, read our latest book, ‘What You See is Seeking You by Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy.

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