Discovering the joy of meditation

Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom.” – Zen proverb

Meditation is an extremely effective tool to unleash the powers of concentration and bolster our inner strength. It can help us better manage our emotions, enabling us to respond to every situation with our totality of spirit and action.

Buddha was once asked: “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied: “Nothing.” “However”, Buddha said, “let me tell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age and Death.”

Meditation – once thought of as a far out Eastern thing – is now considered a helpful habit practiced by successful people to develop better careers and lives. For example, the cofounders of Twitter, Google and Facebook all offer employees instruction in contemplative practices.

Reflect on the following questions:

  • Do you meditate regularly?
  • Do you practice the power of meditation in all walks of life, including business?
  • Are you able to focus on a task consistently, without distraction?
  • Do you feel stressed out and negative?
  • Are your activities aligned with your spirit?
  • Do you set aside time for contemplation and reflection?

Why has meditation become so popular among business leaders? It is because of its proven benefits in improving memory and helping the brain deal better with stress. A Boston University study found that as little as three and a half hours of meditation training could change how the brain reacts to certain emotionally charged images.

Meditators also develop better problem-solving abilities, higher levels of self-discipline, and an ability to bounce back from stress more easily. Regular meditation should be a part of every businessman’s tool kit. And the best part is you need no special tools or training – you can start right now.
For more tips on ingraining this wonderful practice in your life, read our forthcoming book, ‘What You Seek is Seeking You’, by Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy

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