Making a difference

To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” Mahatma Gandhi

Making a difference does not only refer to doing some grand things, but also to doing the small everyday things that affect people’s lives. Every encounter is an opportunity to make a difference, and the Sufi does not lose this opportunity. 

Service is on a higher level than even prayer. Service is faith in action and the translation of prayer in daily life. Without action, prayers are not enough. As Sadi says, “The path is the service of others, not prayer beads and dervish robes.” 

We are here in this world for a short period of time. We come empty handed. The only thing that we take with us is contribution that we have made to the society we live in. the true source of making a difference is love. 

A person walked past a beggar and asked, “Why God, do you not do something for these people? God replied, I did do something. I made you.” 

When we see each other as integral parts of who we are as individuals, there is no you or I anymore. 

This leads to a oneness with God. When we help someone, we are helping ourselves. It is like a movement of water in the ocean – and we are part of that ocean. A little movement in the water affects the whole ocean and, thus, everyone in the ocean. The more we serve others, the more we are serving ourselves. Conversely, if we hurt someone, we are hurting ourselves. Conversely, if we hurt someone, we are hurting ourselves. What goes around comes around. 

Nature teaches us the true meaning of giving of ourselves. The sun gives of its warmth and breeds life. Rain quenches the dry land and makes it sprout plants and fruits. The fruits give of themselves to calm the pangs of hunger. The circle must not stop here – we too need to give back to complete the circle of nature.


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