Losing your cool

Young couple pointing at each other against a white background

At some point in your life you will lose your cool, not once, but several or even many times.

There are many reasons for this:
– you are stressed out with what is going on in your world
– you feel your outrage is justified by the other’s behaviour
– you feel what has been thrown at you is unfair.

The above reasons may seem valid to you, however, they do not solve the problem. They in some ways perpetuate the problem. You carry negative energy for a long time.

What is the solution?

– Own your problem of losing your cool. You are responsible for getting angry no matter what others did.

– You own your problem by apologizing sincerely and being as specific as you can be

– You display a behaviour going forward which is consistent with your apology.

By doing the above three things you are liberated and back to your best.

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