What is your key differentiator in business?

John Rockefeller said: “A man who starts out simply with the idea of getting rich won’t succeed. You must have a larger ambition.”

If you are driven only by greed, you will never be satisfied. Greed is like a bottomless pit that, no matter how much you fill it, will always appear empty.

In the business world, the more you give to your staff (for example, guidance, motivation, encouragement, opportunity and respect), the better they perform. By retaining great people, you save considerable time and the resources required to find and train new employees.

“Servant leadership,” a phrase coined by Robert Greenleaf in his 1970 book The Servant as Leader, is an approach whereby the leader concentrates on service and making a difference instead of being an authority figure who orders his employees around. He becomes more like a resource and an empowering guide. By creating an enabling environment for your employees, you increase their productivity and your profitability.

When you give to your customers, you increase their loyalty. Also, you invite their word-of- mouth promotion about your business. The lifetime value of their loyalty is enormous.

I was speaking at the Taj Hotel in Calcutta for the Young Presidents Organization. This was after a hectic trip from Mumbai, Hyderabad and Delhi, so I went for a foot massage before my speech. When I asked my attendant some questions about the hotel, he gave me a response that I would expect from the owner of the hotel. He told me how Taj Hotel began, what kind of training he was provided, how many employees worked there, and the names of all the leaders at the hotel. Amazing! In most Taj Hotels I have been to in India, I have received a similar treatment. No wonder they charge a high rate, yet people go there again and again. I will go back too.

Emirates Airlines provide a good service to their customers and are regarded as one of the best in the business. Many Indian airlines have also stepped up their service (more giving) compared to the past to keep up with the demand the growing economy has required.

By creating an experience and giving power to the staff, Starbucks surged to the top of its market from a single-location coffee shop in 1971. As of January 2011, Starbucks has more than 17,000 stores in 50 countries. Its success is based on its progressive corporate culture and the passing on of its values to all employees, or “partners” as they are known in the company. At Starbucks, the criteria for success are belief in their product and the creation of a desirable experience for the customer. Many times we think that price is a big issue, when it is really the service we provide to our customers that counts the most. I frequent Starbucks because I enjoy the ambience and the service I get. Starbucks went through subsequent troubles, closing stores, but by returning to its original vision, the company dug itself out of the hole.

In our company, Corporate Sufi Worldwide Inc., whenever we have gone the extra mile to provide more service than we have been paid for, we not only end up retaining the client for the long term, but also eventually get paid much more.

Completely satisfied and engaged customers create extraordinary results for your business, not only in terms of their sustained contribution but also through invaluable word-of-mouth promotion. This type of advertising is more powerful than any you can buy. To conclude, I leave you with this quote by Og Mandino;

Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.

(Excerpts from the book, Business, Balance & Beyond from Azim Jamal)

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